Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Multitude Monday 9/26
Thank you Lord for another week.
I got sick at the beginning of the week with a common cold but to someone with Fibromyalgia, it is not common. I missed Ladies Bible Study at church, Moms & Munchkins, and Homeworks (like Sunday school but on Wednesday night).
Thank goodness Father God blessed me with feeling well by the end of the week. I did one of my Extreme Coupon Classes at Church Saturday. It took hours of preparation but it was worth it to share my knowledge of coupon shopping with others. I also set up a "store" to raise money for Women's Ministry!!
thank you Lord for:
1. Knowledge of your word
2. Ability to tell others about you
3. New christian Tees from Mardel's
4. Nathan asking me why is there Jesus and God? That boy loves to pray and loves going to church!!
5. Shawn not having any of his episodes last week.
6. Ability to kick satan where it hurts when I need to. Jesus always makes sure we are taken care of.
7. Rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. Blessing of being broke. It makes me appreciate what we have. We have been broke since last week due to a month overloaded with bills and extra expenses but it has not been bad. We have plenty to eat and everything we need. So yes being broke has been a blessing in that it made me appreciate what we have and has pushed me even farther to bless as many as I am able.
9. Shawn and Devin working at food distribution at church. I was sad I could not help but I had to do the Coupon Class.
10. Christian music. I love listening to Modern Christian music 24/7. Helps me push myself by staying focused plus the kids love listening to it.
AAFES BX PX NEX Exchange coupon matchup 9/30-10/6
Non coupon deals:
Scan Disk 4GB Micro USB Flash Drive was 12.95
now 7.95
2TB External Hard Drive USB 2.0 Was 129.95
Now 89.95
Sharpie 2pk Pink Ribbon Fine Tip Marker was 2.50
Now 1.59
Coupon Matchup Deals:
Pepsi 12pk 3.67
Monster Energy Drinks 1.67
Use .50/1 tearpad found at Exchange=1.17
Kettle Brand Chips 2.50
Use 1/1 from 9/25RP=1.50
Use 1/1 from 9/11ss=1.50
Gain Fabric Softener Sheets 2.25
use 1/1 Exchange Peelie
stack with .50/1 from 8/14RP=.75
Oral B Floss .99
Use .75/1 from 8/28PG=.24
Use 1/1 from 8/28PG=FREE
Vicks Cough Drops .65
Use $1/1 from 8/31PG=FREE
Use $3/2 from 8/31PG=FREE
VIcks 4 Pack Dayquil and Nightquil pills 1.49
Use 1/1 from 8/31PG=.49
Use $3/2 from 8/31PG=FREE
Scan Disk 4GB Micro USB Flash Drive was 12.95
now 7.95
2TB External Hard Drive USB 2.0 Was 129.95
Now 89.95
Sharpie 2pk Pink Ribbon Fine Tip Marker was 2.50
Now 1.59
Coupon Matchup Deals:
Pepsi 12pk 3.67
Monster Energy Drinks 1.67
Use .50/1 tearpad found at Exchange=1.17
Kettle Brand Chips 2.50
Use 1/1 from 9/25RP=1.50
Use 1/1 from 9/11ss=1.50
Gain Fabric Softener Sheets 2.25
use 1/1 Exchange Peelie
stack with .50/1 from 8/14RP=.75
Oral B Floss .99
Use .75/1 from 8/28PG=.24
Use 1/1 from 8/28PG=FREE
Vicks Cough Drops .65
Use $1/1 from 8/31PG=FREE
Use $3/2 from 8/31PG=FREE
VIcks 4 Pack Dayquil and Nightquil pills 1.49
Use 1/1 from 8/31PG=.49
Use $3/2 from 8/31PG=FREE
exchange coupon,
exchange coupon matchup,
exchange matchup,
Friday, September 23, 2011
Commissary Operation In Touch Printable Coupons
All are MILITARY STORE COUPONS. All have rolling expiration dates 30 days from date printed. You have to sign in to operationintouch to get qs!!
Save $1.00 on any AXE Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler Not Valid On Trial or Travel Sizes
Save $1.00 on any Hellmann’s® or Best Foods® Mayonnaise
Save 50¢ on any one (1) 3-pack of Magnum® Ice Cream Bars
Save $1.00 on any one(1) Bertolli® Frozen Meal
Save 50¢ on any one (1) pint of Starbucks® Ice Cream
Save 50¢ on any Dove® Body Wash or 4-Bar pack or larger Not Valid On Trial or Travel Sizes
Save $1.00 on any Slim-Fast® Ready to Drink multipack (6 pack or larger)
Save 35¢ on any I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!® product
Save $1.00 on any Lever 2000® 8-bar pack or larger or Body Wash Not Valid On Trial or Travel Sizes.
Save 50¢ on any two (2) Suave® Body Wash products Not Valid On Trial or Travel Sizes
Save 50¢ on any Skippy® Peanut Butter, 28-oz or larger
Save 75¢ on any two (2) Wish-Bone® Dressings, 16-oz or larger
Save $1.00 on any AXE Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler Not Valid On Trial or Travel Sizes
Save $1.00 on any Hellmann’s® or Best Foods® Mayonnaise
Save 50¢ on any one (1) 3-pack of Magnum® Ice Cream Bars
Save $1.00 on any one(1) Bertolli® Frozen Meal
Save 50¢ on any one (1) pint of Starbucks® Ice Cream
Save 50¢ on any Dove® Body Wash or 4-Bar pack or larger Not Valid On Trial or Travel Sizes
Save $1.00 on any Slim-Fast® Ready to Drink multipack (6 pack or larger)
Save 35¢ on any I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter!® product
Save $1.00 on any Lever 2000® 8-bar pack or larger or Body Wash Not Valid On Trial or Travel Sizes.
Save 50¢ on any two (2) Suave® Body Wash products Not Valid On Trial or Travel Sizes
Save 50¢ on any Skippy® Peanut Butter, 28-oz or larger
Save 75¢ on any two (2) Wish-Bone® Dressings, 16-oz or larger
Thursday, September 22, 2011
AAFES BX PX NEX Exchange coupons up 9/23-9/29
AAFES allows stacking of coupons. That means you can use their store coupon along with a manufacturer coupon.
Go HERE for the link to print these coupons.

Go HERE for the link to print these coupons.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Exchange AAFES PX PX MEX Coupon matchup 9/23-9/29
Exchange Ad for September 23-September 29
DVD-R or +R 50 pack was $18.95 now $7.96.
WONDERFUL DEAL!!!!!!!!! I use these for my pictures I take.
All DVD titles priced under $5 now 97¢!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!
Seattle’s Best Coffee 12oz. $5.99
Use 1.50/1 from 8/14ss=$4.49
Keebler Fudge Shoppe Cookies $2.50
Use $1/2 from 9/18RP=$2.00
Glade Tough Odor Solutions Premium Spray $1.95
Use .55/1 from =1.40
Charmin Big 4 Roll bath tissue $2.00
Use 1/1 home mailer =1.00
Use $1/2 from 8/28PG=1.50
Page 3 The Cleaners: Clean 2 like items and get the 3rd free. Expires 9/29
$10 off Standard Oil change now thru October 15th
Monday, September 19, 2011
Multitude Monday
This week has been a very hard week. Satan and his angels SUCK!!!!!!!!! I hate when he tries to get involved with my feelings/emotions. I am a very laid back person and usually do not pay too much attention to how others treat me. He tried to get me this weekend when I was overloaded and "busy" with life. But boy did he LOSE!!!!!! HE is a LOOSER!!!!!!!!!
Epesians 4:26-27
26-27Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don't use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don't stay angry. Don't go to bed angry. Don't give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.
Last night I was so angry and the house just was not peaceful. I put on my earphones and blasted out to KLOVE for 2 hours while reading the bible and bible lesson books. I can tell you what I felt much better after giving those 2 hours to Christ instead of watching the newest show on TV or playing on the internet.
2 Samuel 24:24
24I'm not going to offer God, my God, sacrifices that are no sacrifice."
Why do people always give to God last. After all bills are paid and all the entertainment money is gone??? You have to give to God first and he will give you back ten fold. You have to give him your BEST. He gave you his best: Jesus Christ.
Worship takes effort and energy. It is not always convienent or comfortable, sometimes worship is a sacrifice.
This is so true in my life sometimes.
Psalm 113:3 MSG
Hallelujah! You who serve God, praise God!
Just to speak his name is praise!
Just to remember God is a blessing—
now and tomorrow and always.
From east to west, from dawn to dusk,
keep lifting all your praises to God!
Worship is not a part of your life, it is your life. Every activity can be transformed into an act of worship when you do it for the praise, glory, and pleasure of God. DONT wake up in the morning asking God for me this and me that. Ask him how you can praise his name or how you can serve him. You cannot exalt God and yourself at the same time.
So many believers or people who look at believers think that God is all Good. Our perception of God does not allow us to talk about bad things. Satan realizes that he does not have much time left until Jesus comes back for his people so he is trying as hard as he can to get God's most prized possessions: his children. Satan CANNOT mess with the blood of the lamb but he surely can send his angels to try and mess with your feelings.
You will not always feel close to God. The deepest level of worship is praising God in spite of pain, thanking God during a Trial, trusting God when Tempted, Surrendering when suffering, and loving God when he seems distant.
God will sometimes seem distant but he will never leave us. You have to thank God when things are at their worst. You have to be confident that things will be okay. This is all a normal part of the testing and maturing of your friendship with God. Every Christian experiences this.
Matthew 23: 8-10
Don't set people up as experts over your life, letting them tell you what to do. Save that authority for God; let him tell you what to do. No one else should carry the title of 'Father'; you have only one Father, and he's in heaven. And don't let people maneuver you into taking charge of them. There is only one Life-Leader for you and them—Christ.
Eph 2:16-18 Christ brought us together through his death on the cross. The Cross got us to embrace, and that was the end of the hostility. Christ came and preached peace to you outsiders and peace to us insiders. He treated us as equals, and so made us equals. Through him we both share the same Spirit and have equal access to the Father.
Don't let one Believer rule over your life. You have to follow what Christ has told you to do. So often we are so hooked on what the Pastor or Elders of the church say. You cannot get to Christ through them. You have to go to Christ on your own. We are all the same in God's eyes.
matthew 23: 11-12
Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant.
We have to pray with a servant heart rather than a selfish heart. This is so hard to do sometimes because we want God to bless me me me. Instead of asking him what his plans are for us.
The Lord tells us to pray like this: very simply:
matthew 6: 7-13
7-13"The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don't fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this:
Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what's best— as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You're in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You're ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Epesians 4:26-27
26-27Go ahead and be angry. You do well to be angry—but don't use your anger as fuel for revenge. And don't stay angry. Don't go to bed angry. Don't give the Devil that kind of foothold in your life.
Last night I was so angry and the house just was not peaceful. I put on my earphones and blasted out to KLOVE for 2 hours while reading the bible and bible lesson books. I can tell you what I felt much better after giving those 2 hours to Christ instead of watching the newest show on TV or playing on the internet.
2 Samuel 24:24
24I'm not going to offer God, my God, sacrifices that are no sacrifice."
Why do people always give to God last. After all bills are paid and all the entertainment money is gone??? You have to give to God first and he will give you back ten fold. You have to give him your BEST. He gave you his best: Jesus Christ.
Worship takes effort and energy. It is not always convienent or comfortable, sometimes worship is a sacrifice.
This is so true in my life sometimes.
Psalm 113:3 MSG
Hallelujah! You who serve God, praise God!
Just to speak his name is praise!
Just to remember God is a blessing—
now and tomorrow and always.
From east to west, from dawn to dusk,
keep lifting all your praises to God!
Worship is not a part of your life, it is your life. Every activity can be transformed into an act of worship when you do it for the praise, glory, and pleasure of God. DONT wake up in the morning asking God for me this and me that. Ask him how you can praise his name or how you can serve him. You cannot exalt God and yourself at the same time.
So many believers or people who look at believers think that God is all Good. Our perception of God does not allow us to talk about bad things. Satan realizes that he does not have much time left until Jesus comes back for his people so he is trying as hard as he can to get God's most prized possessions: his children. Satan CANNOT mess with the blood of the lamb but he surely can send his angels to try and mess with your feelings.
You will not always feel close to God. The deepest level of worship is praising God in spite of pain, thanking God during a Trial, trusting God when Tempted, Surrendering when suffering, and loving God when he seems distant.
God will sometimes seem distant but he will never leave us. You have to thank God when things are at their worst. You have to be confident that things will be okay. This is all a normal part of the testing and maturing of your friendship with God. Every Christian experiences this.
Matthew 23: 8-10
Don't set people up as experts over your life, letting them tell you what to do. Save that authority for God; let him tell you what to do. No one else should carry the title of 'Father'; you have only one Father, and he's in heaven. And don't let people maneuver you into taking charge of them. There is only one Life-Leader for you and them—Christ.
Eph 2:16-18 Christ brought us together through his death on the cross. The Cross got us to embrace, and that was the end of the hostility. Christ came and preached peace to you outsiders and peace to us insiders. He treated us as equals, and so made us equals. Through him we both share the same Spirit and have equal access to the Father.
Don't let one Believer rule over your life. You have to follow what Christ has told you to do. So often we are so hooked on what the Pastor or Elders of the church say. You cannot get to Christ through them. You have to go to Christ on your own. We are all the same in God's eyes.
matthew 23: 11-12
Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant.
We have to pray with a servant heart rather than a selfish heart. This is so hard to do sometimes because we want God to bless me me me. Instead of asking him what his plans are for us.
The Lord tells us to pray like this: very simply:
matthew 6: 7-13
7-13"The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don't fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this:
Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what's best— as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You're in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You're ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Friday, September 16, 2011
New fibromyalgia drug DROXIPODA in FDA phases now
NEWSBRIEF: The U.S. Patent Office has issued a new patent to Chelsea Therapeutics for its drug droxidopa as a fibromyalgia treatment, according to the company. The patent is based on positive results of previous trials and would give Chelsea exclusive rights to produce the drug for a certain period of time, if it receives FDA approval.
Chelsea says it is gearing up to start its second phase 2 trial of droxidopa and has enrolled 120 fibromyalgia patients. The company expects to release preliminary results by the end of 2011.
What is Droxidopa?
Droxidopa is a synthetic version of a substance your body uses to make the neurotransmitter/hormone norepinephrine. Norepinephrine performs several important functions, and your body also uses it to produce dopamine, another important neurotransmitter. Studies have shown that this drug can improve fatigue, weakness, concentration, and orthostatic hypotension (blood pressure drop upon standing, which causes dizziness) in several conditions.
The drug is not yet approved in the U.S. for any use. However, it is currently in phase 2 trials for chronic fatigue syndrome and phase 3 trials for orthostatic hypotension in Parkinson's disease.
Based on typical timelines for drug testing and approval, this drug could be on the market in 3 to 5 years, if current trials are successful.
It is wonderful that they are researching new drugs for fibromyalgia treatment. As someone who has had an autoimmune disease their whole life it is always promising to see new drugs come on the market. I have had Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus my whole life. I always get so excited when I hear of new treatments or new trials for Type 1 Diabetes. Like Humalog Insulin, or The insulin pump, or insulin pump sensor. So to hear of new drugs or treatments about Fibromyalgia or CFS is amazing.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Positive outlook on Fibromyalgia
I am writing this blog post to get the word out about Fibromyalgia in a POSITIVE way. I have looked everywhere online and am yet to find a POSITIVE group for fibromyalgia support. Positive as in I am going to learn to control this beast. I will get it under control. Not I am doomed for life and all I can do is sleep all day. A lot of people will probably have a problem with me saying that but it is the truth. YES I am in flare up mode right now (if you have fibro or know about it you know what flare up is).
A little bit of my history:
I have had fibromyalgia for two years now. Maybe 4 years total but 2 years very bad. I think the epidural they MADE me get during birthing my twins triggered it. I wanted to birth them without pain medicines but the doctors were afraid Twin B (Nathan) would turn after I delivered Twin a (Natalie) even though both were heads down before labor and delivery began. I have had depression problems as well as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since their birth. The fibro kicked in after changing Depression Meds. That is a whole other blog post!!
I do not like to tell others that I have fibromyalgia. People always look at you so strange when you say you have that and feel so sorry for you. Society has made fibromyalgia such a negative, nasty disease to have. 3% of the general population have this disease.
Yes I have pain every day, take tons of pills, have depression problems, anxiety, tension and migraine headaches, dizziness, nauceous, trouble breathing, weight gain, neck pain, muscle aches, eye twitching, muscle spasms, leg cramps, decreased energy, insomnia, fatigued, fibro fog (but this could just be ADHD I had growing up), numbness in hands and feet (yes i have dropped quite a few things including a laptop which shattered), Menstral periods that last for 6 weeks at a time, extremely dry skin,and the list goes on.
Most days it takes every bit of what I have to get through the day which includes taking care of my four children, two of which have special needs.
But I do know several things :
1. Love your down time. EVERY blog and facebook group I see talks so bad about this horrible fibromyalgia that keeps them down all the time. I use this time to read my bible, pray, sit in the silence of the HOLY SPIRIT. It is amazing. Or I will get some craft work finished. It is amazing what crafty items I have made in the last year during my "down time".
2. Create your NEW self ASAP. If you are living in your past life and dwell on it daily, then you will HATE fibromyalgia. You will always hate fibro as long as you are living in what you used to be. Example is "I didn't need any sleep, I never felt bad, I could do anything."
3. Life is still GOOD!!!! There are still good parts of life like worship, passions, family, social activities that still exist. If we look at these we will still see the family that loves us, the things we still enjoy doing, and the accomplishments we have made.
4. Keep hope!!!!!! Even though there is not a cure or special drug to take to cure or make fibro better we do know the important roles of exercise, medication, stretching, pacing. There is medical research being done currently on fibro and there will be better therapies as the years pass.
5. You have to respect and care for those around you!! Yes you need someone to lean on when the fibro is at its worst but you are not always at your worst. You still need to love and respect those around you. You still need to be good friends to those you care about. You still have lots to give them. You need to be open with family members but at the same time you need to be supportive of their needs.
6. Think Positive Fibromyalgia does not kill you. It is frustrating and painful, but not life threatening. Its important that you practice positive thinking and affirmations on a daily basis. Our thoughts are connected to our bodies and health so if you constantly think negative thoughts about yourself and your illness then you will experience a surge of negative symptoms and your condition won't improve. Humor therapy has been proven to increase the positive outlook for patients with fibromyalgia. Laughing also boosts the immune system as it increases the antibodies. When you laugh, you improve your lung capacity and this helps in increasing the levels of oxygen in the blood. Most people do not even know I have fibromyalgia because I do not dwell on this horrible disease.
7. You have to put forth effort towards controlling this disease. If your doctor says to not eat certain foods, then dont eat them. If you are told to exercise when you have good days then do it. If you are told to appreciate the simple things in life then do so. If you just are lazy about it and sit around and do not push yourself then it will NEVER be under control. You will NEVER accomplish anything. It will not happen magically. You must put forth effort.
8. Pace yourself. You have to pace yourself to avoid fatigue and eliminate as much stress from your life as you can. You can't do everything and some days will be better than others. Don't cram too much into your day. Save energy for the things you want to do and you'll feel better. I have to take care of my 4 kids but if I have church that night I make sure I rest when my husband gets home so I am able to go to church. If you are feeling strong and energetic that day, DO NOT overdo it. You will pay later. So pace yourself so you will not crash.
9. Have adequate sleep. No I am not saying sleep 15 hours a day. That is wasting your time on earth. I am saying set a routine or schedule for yourself. This will help your internal rhythm as well. This will take some time and effort to establish but it is a must.
10. Exercise. Yes there are some days it is all I can do to keep my kids fed and out of the street but on the good or okay days it is important to get some aerobic exercise in. It provides symptom reduction in fibromyalgia because it strengthens the muscles and eliminates muscle weakness over time. Aerobic exercise also provides a good supply of oxygen to muscles and help them to become less stiff. Other proven benefits of aerobics include: reduction of injuries to the muscle, reduction of pain due to the release of endorphins, and reduction of other cardiovascular diseases.
11. Massage therapy. Massage offers fibromyalgia patients a lot of benefits. Massage increases flexibility, blood circulation, range of motion, and muscle repair. The natural pain killers that are released (endorphins) during massage decreases pain associated in fibromyalgia. Massage additionally reduces stiffness and improves sleep. In fact, massage should be included in the physical therapy for fibromyalgia patients.
12. Learn to relax This is still one I am struggling with. I am learning about Christian Meditation. It is unlike the meditation most are accustomed to. Instead of letting it all out, you let Christ all IN. Prayer also helps me relax. Enjoy nature walks or sitting in the sunshine in your yard.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Free Kindle Downloads-- Christian Worship/Fellowship books
I was looking for some devotional books tonight online and found a bunch of kindle downloads for free for Christian Books!!!!!!!! YIPEE!!!
These are all FREE downloads currently so if you like Kindle I would download now as they may not last long.
Kindle is a free download to your computer or smartphone. Go HERE for more information.
These are all FREE downloads currently so if you like Kindle I would download now as they may not last long.
Kindle is a free download to your computer or smartphone. Go HERE for more information.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
9/16-9/22 Exchange AAFES PX BX Coupon Matchup
40% off ALL Cover Girl. Does anyone have any prices? There are always Cover Girl Coupons out there.
-1/1 from 9/11ss
-1/1 from 8/28 PG
Suave Body wash 1.50
Suave Professionals Shampoo or Conditioner 1.50
Use .50/2 Unilever: Making Life Better =1.25
Pine Sol 1.50
-$1/2 Clorox, Tilex or Pine-Sol Cleaners 8/21/2011 SS Insert (exp 10/16/2011) =1.00 each!
-.50/1 =1.00 each
Old Spice High Endurance Deodorant 1.00
Use 2/2 home mailer= FREE
Use $2/2 inside Duracell battery package =FREE
Use $1/2 Old Spice Products 8/28/2011 P&G Insert (exp 9/30/2011) =.50¢
Secret Sheer dry deodorant 1.00
Use $1/2 Secret Deodorant 8/28/2011 P&G Insert (exp 9/30/2011) =.50
Clorox Wipes 35ct 2.00
-1/1 from 9/11ss
-1/1 from 8/28 PG
Suave Body wash 1.50
Suave Professionals Shampoo or Conditioner 1.50
Use .50/2 Unilever: Making Life Better =1.25
Pine Sol 1.50
-$1/2 Clorox, Tilex or Pine-Sol Cleaners 8/21/2011 SS Insert (exp 10/16/2011) =1.00 each!
-.50/1 =1.00 each
Old Spice High Endurance Deodorant 1.00
Use 2/2 home mailer= FREE
Use $2/2 inside Duracell battery package =FREE
Use $1/2 Old Spice Products 8/28/2011 P&G Insert (exp 9/30/2011) =.50¢
Secret Sheer dry deodorant 1.00
Use $1/2 Secret Deodorant 8/28/2011 P&G Insert (exp 9/30/2011) =.50
Clorox Wipes 35ct 2.00
Use $1/2 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes 8/21/2011 SS Insert (exp 10/16/2011=1.50
Use $1/2 from Fresh For Fall booklet=1.50 x9/30
3m lint roller 2.00
3m lint roller 2.00
**can't find coupon for***
Gatorade 1.00
**can't find coupon for***
Stride 3pk gum 1.50
**can't find coupon for***
Stride 3pk gum 1.50
Use $1/3 Trident, Stride, Dentyne Gum 8/7/2011 SS Insert (exp 10/2/2011)=1.27
Quaker Big Chewy Bars .50¢
***coupon says ANY:
***coupon says ANY:
Use $0.75/2 Quaker Chewy Smashbar or Granola Bars 8/28/2011 RP Insert (exp 10/15/2011) =.25 for 2!!!!!
Use $1.00/2 Quaker Chewy Smashbar or Granola Bars 8/28/2011 RP Insert (exp 10/15/2011)=FREE
Keebler Snack Crackers Single serve .25¢
Use $1/2 =FREE
Loreal Studio and Vive Pro 2.50
Use 1/1 from 9/11RP=1.50 x11/6
Use 1/1 from 8/7ss=1.50 x10/2
VO5 Shampoo and Conditioner .75
**can't find coupon for***
Colgate Max Fresh tothpaste 2.00
Use 1/1 from Maxi Saver at commissary=1.00
Clorox Handi-Wipes 6ct. 1.00
**can't find coupon for***
Coupons in ad:
$3 off any concession, kiosk, or cart totaling $15 or more. x9/22
**can't find coupon for***
Coupons in ad:
$3 off any concession, kiosk, or cart totaling $15 or more. x9/22
$3 off Catering order from Robin Hood or anthony's pizza
Taco Bell: buy any combo meal at regular price and get half off a second combo meal x9/29
Popeyes free gallon sweet tea with 12 pc meal purchase x9/29
Baskin Robbins: $1 off any two scoop sundae x9/29
***If any bloggers have any matchups they want to post with link, please PM me. I LOVE matchups but I am already doing so many. If you have a matchup for Exchange please PM me. You will get tons of traffic to your blog.
please if you copy/use this matchup on your blog or page give credit to WUC. Matchups take a long time. Thank you.
coupon matchup,
exchange matchup,
Monday, September 12, 2011
Multitude Monday
Wow where to start. So blessed beyond words this week.
1. Starting a NEW homeworks class at church. It is like our Sunday School except it is on Wednesday nights and there is a variety of classes/studies to choose from. They usually run for 15-20 weeks. This time I chose one about the book Celebration of Discipline. If you have not read this yet I suggest you go buy it or rent from library NOW. Not tomorrow but NOW.
2. This HORRIBLE flare up maybe going away for a bit. Maybe. Hopefully. Still a little pain today but much better on the tiredness side.
3. Pastor Ron and his Sunday Morning Messages. He ALWAYS preaches on things you NEVER think of. Yesterday he did a message on 9-01-01.
God bless these people:
This man saved 2700 people on 9/11:
4. cooler weather in Texas
5. cell phone replaced for free (unheard of when you have water damage in a phone esp. apple phone)
6. unexpected $$ from my mom
7. Nathan and Natalie birthday
8. Wonderful amazing Father God who is always there 24/7. He is there through everything. He WANTS us to lean on him. So I shall.
9. Family day with the family on Saturday.
10. naps
11. ability to bless others with materialistic items NEEDED to live. I have been able to give so much this week.
12. confidence. Thank you father for always being there. Chris said I am unlike most christians he knows because I always say to EVERY situation that Jesus will handle it. It is neat just to pray and know that father will take care of whatever may be going on.
13. message bible- i love my bible more and more every time I open it. I learn something new every time even if I have already read that story several times.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Commissary Sweepstakes: Win one of 5 IPads or 100 Kid Cuisine Back Packs
Official Rules/information:
Food Contests and Food Sweepstakes - ConAgra Foods
There is also an ad & form in the family magazine for September.
ConAgra Foods is giving away Apple IPads and Kid Cuisine Back Packs to some lucky Commissary patrons..
Enter for your chance to win:
Five (5) Grand Prize: Apple® iPad®
One Hundred (100) First Prizes: Kid Cuisine® Back Pack
some of the rules:
--Limit of one entry per person per day
--Open only to persons eligible to shop in U.S. Military commissaries who are 18 years or older as of August 1, 2011
--PRIZES: Five (5) Grand Prizes: 16GB Apple® iPad®. ARV of Grand Prize $500.00. One hundred (100) First Prizes: Kid Cuisine® Back Pack. ARV of First Prize: $5.00.
--All taxes on the prize are the winner's responsibility.
--WINNERS: Winners will be selected in a random drawing to be held on or about 10/15/11.
--Winners will be notified by phone or mail on or before 10/20/11.
Food Contests and Food Sweepstakes - ConAgra Foods
There is also an ad & form in the family magazine for September.
ConAgra Foods is giving away Apple IPads and Kid Cuisine Back Packs to some lucky Commissary patrons..
Enter for your chance to win:
Five (5) Grand Prize: Apple® iPad®
One Hundred (100) First Prizes: Kid Cuisine® Back Pack
some of the rules:
--Limit of one entry per person per day
--Open only to persons eligible to shop in U.S. Military commissaries who are 18 years or older as of August 1, 2011
--PRIZES: Five (5) Grand Prizes: 16GB Apple® iPad®. ARV of Grand Prize $500.00. One hundred (100) First Prizes: Kid Cuisine® Back Pack. ARV of First Prize: $5.00.
--All taxes on the prize are the winner's responsibility.
--WINNERS: Winners will be selected in a random drawing to be held on or about 10/15/11.
--Winners will be notified by phone or mail on or before 10/20/11.
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