Thank you Lord for all you do for me and my family. You are always so good to us. Thank you for always being there. Thank you for answering prayer.
1. KNOWLEDGE. Thank you Lord. I prayed for knowledge for Shawn last week. You came through for us. I happened to run across a paper about amantadine. It said every so often you will need a break from taking this. I remembered back to when he was in the hospital and they had given him a 2 day break. This paper said to go 48 hours without medicine (amantadine). We did that this weekend and boy was it tough but we made it through. Shawn came home from school today a different child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lord you are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. KNOWLEDGE. Thank you Lord. I have been praying for some answers to healing for fibromyalgia symptoms. I came across "clean eating". Also known as cutting all processed foods, sugars, and white flours from your diet. Eating clean is the practice of eating whole, natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. I have been Type 1 diabetic my whole life and never realized how processed foods were and how much sugar was in EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. Cleaning up a diet is hard to do. It is one of the hardest challenges that someone is faced with when it comes to improving health.
3. Not eating ANY candy on Halloween!!!!! NONE!!!
4. Heating Pads.
5. Oatmeal for breakfast. I have been eating this for the past week and I can say I love my oatmeal!!!
6. .10¢ Summer clearance sale at Dollar General. Spent $10 and got 100 items!! NICE stuff too. Wish I had pictures to share. Got citronella candles, patio chairs, flower pots (the huge nice ones), kite string, july 4th decor (flag bows, flags, flag frames), small glass flower vases, bird feeders, bird houses, gardening tools, pink and dark pink plastic table covers, grill brushes. ALL 10¢ each!!! Yes this was an advertised special in their weekly ad.
7. Chris and Shawn going on a "man" date Saturday. It was so nice to see them go out by themselves and bond.
8. Devin and his Air Force Coins. LOL. He is so into those things.
9. My children's love for Christ.
10. Your WORD. If I ever question anything in life or anything that someone says or thinks I can always look in the word and see if it is real or not. If it is not in your word Father, then it is FALSE and FAKE. It is all laid out there for us.