
Monday, September 12, 2011

Multitude Monday

Wow where to start.  So blessed beyond words this week.

1. Starting a NEW homeworks class at church.  It is like our Sunday School except it is on Wednesday nights and there is a variety of classes/studies to choose from. They usually run for 15-20 weeks.  This time I chose one about the book Celebration of Discipline.  If you have not read this yet I suggest you go buy it or rent from library NOW.  Not tomorrow but NOW.
2. This HORRIBLE flare up maybe going away for a bit.  Maybe.  Hopefully.  Still a little pain today but much better on the tiredness side.
3. Pastor Ron and his Sunday Morning Messages.  He ALWAYS preaches on things you NEVER think of.  Yesterday he did a message on 9-01-01.

God bless these people:

This man saved 2700 people on 9/11: 

4. cooler weather in Texas
5. cell phone replaced for free (unheard of when you have water damage in a phone esp. apple phone)
6. unexpected $$ from my mom
7. Nathan and Natalie birthday
8. Wonderful amazing Father God who is always there 24/7.  He is there through everything.  He WANTS us to lean on him.  So I shall.
9.  Family day with the family on Saturday.
10. naps
11. ability to bless others with materialistic items NEEDED to live.  I have been able to give so much this week.
12. confidence.  Thank you father for always being there.  Chris said I am unlike most christians he knows because I always say to EVERY situation that Jesus will handle it.  It is neat just to pray and know that father will take care of whatever may be going on.
13. message bible- i love my bible more and more every time I open it.  I learn something new every time even if I have already read that story several times.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Mary! I checked the library here for that book but they don't have it yet. :)
